If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, by slipping on a wet floor at your local supermarket, or...
Indiana is 15th in the nation for uninsured drivers. More than 300,000 of your Hoosier neighbors are hitting the roads...
You may want to maximize your insurance settlement, but what you don’t realize is the fact that you are not...
Car accidents are stressful situations. It’s not always clear in the moment what steps you should take and some decisions...
It seems fairly obvious that a car is written off if it can’t be repaired safely after an accident. However,...
When shopping for car insurance, you want to get the cheapest rate and the most coverage available. Finding the right...
When it comes to collecting injury compensation beyond the insurance policy limits, you’ll need to either file a claim with...
When it comes down to it, insurance adjusters work for the insurance company, not the victim. This is important to...